Ultimately, the vibrance and saturation sliders are controls in Lightroom used to control color. I think
Saturation is a setting that’s been in most photo editors for as long as I can remember. Increasing saturation increases the intensity of the colors. The blues become bluer. The oranges become… oranger. 🙂 There’s no great way to explain what saturation is verbally, but I always think of increasing it as a way to make colors more pure and deeper. Decreasing saturation is going to gradually shift the image toward being without color.
(example of plus and minus saturation)
Vibrance is something that’s fairly new, appearing in Adobe products such as Lightroom and Photoshop.
(vibrance illustration)
In a practical sense, I don’t often use the saturation slider. In portraits, you can run the risk of making your subject’s colors appear unlifel
Do you use the vibrance or saturation sliders? Which do you prefer? Let me know what you think.