Lightroom has a full featured Slideshow module for lining up big fancy slideshows. There’s tons of customizations, and I’ll cover that another day, but sometimes you need a quick and easy slideshow. Lightroom has an almost instant slideshow option, called Impromptu Slideshows, that I’ll be showing you today. With it, you can put together a slideshow in less than 30 seconds.
Okay, first thing’s first. You have to get the images you want to use in a slideshow together. When I do this, I usually will just slideshow all photos in the catalog, but you can also put together a quick collection for this. The impromptu slideshow plays all of the images on the filmstrip.
I created a Quick Collection to choose the photos I needed for my Impromptu Slideshow.
After that, you’re one keyboard shortcut away from starting it. The slideshow will start on the image you have selected, and run all the way through. To start the slideshow, press Control + Enter on a Windows Keyboard, or Cmd + Enter on a Mac’s keyboard. You can also go to the menu that says “Window” and choose “Impromptu slideshow” to accomplish the same thing.
Lightroom can take up to a few minutes to build the Impromptu slideshow.
Have you tried out Impromptu slideshows? How do you use them? Leave a comment if you need any help!